A Lesson on Money

Our scripture lesson today comes from Money 1:1 and Money 2:2:

1:1 The greatest evil is the love of money

2:2 He that takes more than what he sufficiently needs is a thief to his fellow man and a murderer to the sick and starving.

Current events in our world have shown again and again the destructive force of the love of money.

In the United States the poor suffer more than any other so called first world country. The working fear to go to the doctor because they can’t afford health care costs and those who seek government assistant for basic every day needs are labeled as moochers. This has happened in society because of the over emphasis on financial acquisition- the love of money. The wealthy, the powers that be, are crazed with the desire to gain more. Enough is never enough.

Now financial stability and wealth are not in fact bad things. Money, in and of itself is not evil- rather what one does with his money is what determines good from evil.

They who hoard money and waste it on, say building a second Titanic instead of aiding the poverty stricken have committed evil insomuch that they have loved money more than providing potential clothing, shelter and food for the destitute. They have not helped humanity’s survival- they are selfish.

When it was declared in the 1980’s that “Greed is good” the society as a whole began to collapse in morality and ethics.

Our scriptures tell us that those who are greedy are thieves and even murders. It is a harsh truth but no one can morally justify having more than that which is sufficient for their needs when millions in the world suffer because of it. Greed cannot be justified.

Do not let money control you, control your money. Be ever mindful never to love money in a way that is harmful to the welfare of others. And remember, money, like poverty, is manmade. Conquer it or it will conquer you.